My Final Oscar Predictions

Hello true believers and welcome to that annual thing of things - my Oscar Predictions! They're a bit late this year, as are the Oscars themselves. Something to do with a pandemic we had last year (and are still kinda having), but hey, enough of that nonsense, let's get on with the predictions. They are rather predictable this year - even moreso than normal. Nearly every technical category is a lock. The only real questions overall, other than the always wonky short film categories, are Adapted Screenplay (a two way race) and Best Actress, which honestly could go to pretty much anyone right now. And, in a year where more people of color have been nominated than ever before, if my predictions come true in the acting categories, it will be even more historical, as it will be the first time all four acting Oscars will have been won by people of color. Anyhoo, here are my predictions. And awaaaaaay we go.... Best Picture Predicted Winner: Nomadland Possible Spoiler: The Trial of th...