The Pez Collection to Beat (almost) All Other Pez Collections & How My Wife Inadvertently Created a Pez Obsessed Monster (That would be Me)

So, ever since coming back into the blogging world last month, All Things Kevyn has been a place to hear (or read) me go on and on about the movies. Which makes sense, since I am a dyed-in-the-wool old school cinephile. But hey, there is more to life than just the cinema. No seriously, there is. I mean it. There really is. And anyway, the name of this blog is not All Things Cinema. The name of this blog is All Things Kevyn. So here I go with another quirk that makes the aforementioned Kevyn, to whom this blog is all things to (or for ... or from ... or whatevs), tick tock tick. That quirk is Pez, or more accurately, the art of collecting Pez. I guess you may have figured that out from reading the above title, but hey, can't a guy ramble on a bit before getting down to those so-called brass tacks of legend and lore? Yeah, ok, I'll stop rambling and get on with the promised Pez talk. And awaaaay we go! It all started back in February of 1998 in a small suburban town called Lemoyn...